20. Mai 2024
At the Gaswerkarealfest on May 18, 2024, a panel discussion was held on the topic of "Can urban development be sustainable and grassroots-oriented?". Stefan Zöllig presented his ideas on this topical issue.
"Yes, urban development is sustainable and grassroots-oriented. Housing construction must be stringently geared towards sustainability. Because sustainability works and is effective when we really build sustainably. The vision for this is cities made entirely of wood - the potential for building with wood as a material is as diverse as it is huge." Stefan Zöllig explains interesting aspects of the topic in the panel discussion at the Gaswerkarealfest. Participants included experts from the fields of politics, urban planning, construction and social and ecological sustainability. Exciting discussions ensued. Curious? You can listen to the whole panel discussion, moderated by the online magazine Journal B, here.